A great reflection

As the current cross country season for Arlington High School comes to a close, we would like to express our appreciation and respect for the coaches of the team. As parents, we have been involved with the cross-country team for the past six years. Both of our daughters have run for the team. The coaches instill a sense of camaraderie, dedication, fun and self-discipline that gives the students the drive to run farther than they ever thought they could and the motivation to continue pushing themselves. Weve seen these attributes spill into other areas of our daughters lives, such as academics, tennis, track and helping others.

As the current cross country season for Arlington High School comes to a close, we would like to express our appreciation and respect for the coaches of the team. As parents, we have been involved with the cross-country team for the past six years. Both of our daughters have run for the team. The coaches instill a sense of camaraderie, dedication, fun and self-discipline that gives the students the drive to run farther than they ever thought they could and the motivation to continue pushing themselves. Weve seen these attributes spill into other areas of our daughters lives, such as academics, tennis, track and helping others.
Head Coach Mike Shierk has been a mainstay of the team since our older daughter began high school in 2001. His commitment to the students (despite increased personal obligations) is reflected in their commitment to the team. His high expectations, sense of humor and skill in getting the best out of the students is reflected by the students willingness to run long distances in the heat, the cold, the rain, on the weekends and during the summer.
Assistant Coach Mike Liles is an integral part of the team. He motivates the students and encourages and compliments in ways that are meaningful.
Assistant Coach Becca Harkavy, as the female coach, is especially important to the team. Her perspectives and skill in inspiring the students is a boon to the team.
Assistant Coach Miles Mason is a volunteer coach and spends much of the free time with our runners, He is a past champion and shares his high level of expertise with the students.
This year, we sent the girls cross country team and two individual boys to the state meet in Pasco. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to see the benefits of their hard work and is a great reflection on the coaching staff for the Arlington High School Cross Country Team.
Amy and Dennis Rayner