Gillings sworn in after first election as Marysville Municipal Court judge

Fred Gillings has served as judge of the Marysville Municipal Court since October of 2004, but this year marks his first term as the elected judge of the court.

MARYSVILLE — Fred Gillings has served as judge of the Marysville Municipal Court since October of 2004, but this year marks his first term as the elected judge of the court.

On Dec. 9, 2009, Gillings took part in a a swearing-in ceremony for all municipal court judges across the state of Washington, hosted by the state Supreme Court. Gillings attended with 18 other municipal court judges from Washington cities, and outgoing state Supreme Court Chief Justice Gerry Alexander welcomed them all by personally introducing each of them.

The ceremony took place in the Supreme Court’s Temple of Justice in Olympia, and after the administration of their oaths, all of the judges gathered on the Court’s steps for a group photo. Alexander and Justice Barbara Madsen, who was sworn in as the state’s second female chief justice Jan. 11, had their photos taken with each municipal court judge.

“It was the first time the Supreme Court had held such a ceremony for municipal court judges,” Gillings said. “I enjoyed it very much, as it gave me an opportunity to see fellow judges from around the state.”

Gillings was elected last year to his first four-year term as judge of the Marysville Municipal Court. After a 20-year career as an attorney, he started serving in the Municipal Court as an interim judge, before being officially appointed by the mayor and the City Council in March of 2005. As an appointed judge, his term of office was renewed each year.

“As an attorney, I had a great opportunity to practice law and I enjoyed working with clients, but I’m so happy and satisfied to be serving in the Municipal Court,” Gillings said. “It’s just a good fit, and every day in court is a different day, with no two days being alike. I look forward to serving the citizens of Marysville for many years to come.”