Reject request for transportation funding

In November 2007 Snohomish County residents will be asked to tax themselves to fund over a billion dollars for county road and transit projects. Voters should be careful about approving such a measure, as it appears the proposed projects are an extravagant wish list.

In November 2007 Snohomish County residents will be asked to tax themselves to fund over a billion dollars for county road and transit projects. Voters should be careful about approving such a measure, as it appears the proposed projects are an extravagant wish list.
For example, the third most expensive project at $123 million is a new ferry terminal called Edmonds Crossing. Its a proposal fraught with such severe problems that its construction would cost extra millions of taxpayer dollars.
The ferry systems capital budget didnt give it any priority yet it appears on the Snohomish County list of projects sponsored by Edmonds and endorsed by the County Council. A burden that the WSF couldnt sensibly place on itself will be loaded on the shoulders of county voters if the November ballot measure is approved.
At this stage of project selection the transportation wish list is a product of political courtesy. By not challenging another municipalitys choice each town gets its own favorite request on the list. Until that procedure is stopped and the County Council scrutinizes the merit and cost of each project Snohomish County voters should reject ballot requests for transportation funding.
Natalie Shippen