Questions & answers

In response to The Times article of March 21, 2007, Hospital bond set for May 15 ballot, I respectfully request that the administrators of Cascade Valley Hospital publish the following information for the consideration of the electorate:

In response to The Times article of March 21, 2007, Hospital bond set for May 15 ballot, I respectfully request that the administrators of Cascade Valley Hospital publish the following information for the consideration of the electorate:
1. How much money was written off as uncollectible or charity by Cascade Hospital in the last 10 years.
2. Who provided the funds?
3. What percentage of this amount was written off to support the medical needs of persons who were not members of this community, transient drug abusers or in this country illegally?
4. Several years ago, when Cascade Valley Hospital was financially foundering, there was a tax raise to help save the hospital. Where did the money go?
5. If this bond is passed and a newer, larger hospital is built, what guarantees do we have that the hospital will survive the additional wave of indigents, illegal aliens and those unwilling pay that will be attracted by the additional service capacity?
6. With hospitals all over the nation closing because of abuse of the medical system ever since congress mandated free emergency care for anyone who shows up, what assurances do we have that this wont happen here?
Unless and until the administrators of Cascade Valley Hospital answer these questions to the satisfaction of the community, I urge all voters to vote No on any bond issue to expand the services of our hospital.
David Meyering