Tribes new hotel beneficial to all

More than 1,000 invited guests were on hand Aug. 15 to help the Tulalip Tribes celebrate the official opening of the new Tulalip Resort Hotel.

More than 1,000 invited guests were on hand Aug. 15 to help the Tulalip Tribes celebrate the official opening of the new Tulalip Resort Hotel.

The $130 million, 370-room facility was years in the making but was well worth the wait and will not only make a significant and positive impact for the Tulalip Tribes but for the surrounding communities as well.

Not only will the hotel provide hundreds of new jobs that will help fuel local economies, the guests of the hotel will also be contributing to our communities.

Tulalip Tribes board member Glen Gobin said, “With the opening of this resort hotel, I really think it is going to change the picture of the future. Not just for Tulalip Tribes, but for Marysville, the Snohomish County area, and for all of Puget Sound as we attract new customers and new visitors. I really believe this is a win-win for each and everyone of us who are here today.”

I believe he is right. The Tulalip Tribes are to be congratulated for their magnificent new hotel, and thanked for the contribution it will make to all of our communities.

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