Economic downturn hits local businesses, including The Times by Stuart Chernis Publisher

While the current economic crisis continues to batter Wall Street, the impacts of the crisis are being felt on Main streets in cities and towns throughout the country — including our own communities of Arlington, Lakewood and Marysville.

While the current economic crisis continues to batter Wall Street, the impacts of the crisis are being felt on Main streets in cities and towns throughout the country — including our own communities of Arlington, Lakewood and Marysville.

Nearly 800 jobs will be lost with the closing of the U.S. Marine/Meridian Yachts facility in Arlington and another 80 will be lost will the closure of the Milgard Window facility in Marysville. These local plant closures are the most vivid example of the challenges all local businesses are facing, including The Arlington Times.

Due to economic uncertainties and a lack of consumer confidence, local businesses have seen their revenues fall, in many cases significantly. While the award-winning Arlington Times is a community asset, it is also a business faced with the same challenges and difficult decisions that must be addressed by all businesses. It is that economic downturn which has forced The Arlington Times to make the very difficult decision to close its office on Olympic Avenue and consolidate its operations at the new facilities of its sister publication, The Marysville Globe, at 1085 Cedar Avenue in Marysville.

The decision to close the Arlington office was not made lightly and was done to ensure The Arlington Times would continue to serve the people of Arlington well into the future. To protect the 120-year-old community institution, the decision was made to continue to serve the community in the best way possible given the current economic conditions. The Arlington Times will continue to publish every Wednesday and will continue to provide the timely and comprehensive coverage readers have come to expect. Community members will still see Sarah Arney around town covering the news and Danielle Szulczewski will continue to be a fixture at Arlington sporting events.

Sound Publishing, the owner of The Arlington Times and its staff are committed to the people of Arlington and to providing them with the award-winning community journalism they deserve. To do this during these difficult economic times, like many other businesses in the community, changes had to be made. While there may be some resistance to closing the Arlington office, we believe this is the best way to preserve the newspaper.

The Times staff will be moving during the last week of October and will begin sharing the new offices of The Marysville Globe beginning Nov. 1. The Marysville Globe office is located at 1085 Cedar Avenue and can be reached at 360-659-1300.

To contact a member of The Marysville Globe/Arlington Times editorial board — Stuart Chernis or Scott Frank — e-mail