Dont overlook locally owned businesses when shopping for the holidays

With less than a week before Christmas, north county residents have just days to do their last minute shopping for gifts for family and friends.

With less than a week before Christmas, north county residents have just days to do their last minute shopping for gifts for family and friends.
And this year, those shoppers have more choices than ever when it comes to where to shop, as many large retail stores have opened in our communities. While we should take advantage of those new shopping opportunities, we should also not forget to support the locally owned businesses that have long been in our communities, in some cases for generations.
The large retail stores are inviting to many as they offer large selections and low prices. In addition they employ our neighbors and provide income for our cities coffers. Many of the large stores also support local charities and organizations. The large retail stores are new members of our communities and as our neighbors they deserve our support. But we should not overlook those businesses that have been serving our communities for years.
Locally owned businesses also employ our neighbors and contribute to our local governments coffers. Many of the family-owned businesses are long-time supporters of local charities and organizations. And they offer the type of customer service not always found at the large retail stores.
Local, family-owned businesses have long been the backbones of our communities. As youre doing your last-minute holiday shopping, remember to support those small businesses that are so vital to our communities.


To contact a member of The Marysville Globe/Arlington Times editorial board Kris Passey or Scott Frank e-mail