Be thankful for all the good things we have

On Thursday, Nov. 22, as we gather with our families to celebrate Thanksgiving, we should all take a few moments to reflect on all the good things we have in our communities.

On Thursday, Nov. 22, as we gather with our families to celebrate Thanksgiving, we should all take a few moments to reflect on all the good things we have in our communities.
We should be thankful for the men and women in our communities who are serving in our countrys armed forces, many of them risking their lives fighting in far off places. We should also be thankful to their families for all of the sacrifices they are asked to make while their loved ones serve this country.
We should also be thankful for the men and women in the local police and fire departments who will be spending the holiday away from family and friends to ensure that our holiday is safe and we are protected.
We should be thankful to all those who give their time and their treasure to make our communities better places in which all of us can live. Their efforts are even more important this time of year as they work to ensure that the less fortunate will be able to celebrate the upcoming holidays. And we should be thankful that we are able to contribute, no matter how large or small, to those efforts.
We should also give thanks for all those who volunteer their time throughout the year in the numerous community service organizations that make our communities better places in which to live. Their efforts often go unnoticed, but their absence would not. Members of these organizations arent in it for the recognition, but they truly deserve our thanks.
These are just a few examples of things for which we should be thankful. On Thanksgiving, take some time to reflect on all the good things we have in our communities, and those who make them possible.


To contact a member of The Marysville Globe/Arlington Times editorial board Kris Passey or Scott Frank e-mail