Some Globe readers speak out against M’ville fireworks ban, others support one

More emails being sent to the Marysville Globe are supporting a ban on fireworks in the city. However, the majority still are in favor of a ban.

More emails being sent to the Marysville Globe are supporting a ban on fireworks in the city. However, the majority still are in favor of a ban.

Amy Burt: One of the events of the year that the kids in our neighborhood look forward to every year is July 4th.  I know that some people in our neighborhood don’t like fireworks, so I understand why people are interested in banning them, but really, it’s one day a year.  What is the big deal?  We always celebrate with our neighbors and friends, and it is more of a community party than anything to us.  I think it is good for the community as it brings everyone together to share in the fun.  We always clean up afterwards, too; everyone who participated in watching the fireworks or setting them off all join together to clean up the street. I’d like things to stay the way they are.

Royann Almond: All fireworks should be banned for the safety of our city! Since the houses being burned down cannot be traced back to origin, outlawing all could solve noise, air pollution, bodily harm, frightened animals and property!

Ralph Woodall: I am very much against a fireworks ban as we love them every year.

Lance Van Winkle: Jeff Seibert is ready for a ban and does not want a public hearing. Who does Mr. Seibert think he is and who does he work for? Council President Vaughan at least believes in getting input from his constituency. Donna Wright to her credit mentioned someone other than herself. Seibert might think about that. And Police Chief Smith, you don’t like the crazy people who shoot them off huh. Does that include the crazies in your department and those crazy firefighters who shoot them off. They’re out there. I get a little irritated sometimes, too. Then I realize it’s once a year. It’s a celebration of our country’s freedom, and it maybe means more than it seems on the surface.

I know people who watch all the crazies and the show they put on. I have never heard anyone say we need to stop this.

And finally we live next to and around a mecca of fireworks known as Boom City on the Tulalip Indian Reservation that sells these illegal fireworks to thousands and thousands of people every year. Your ban rant seems ridiculous.

Why not focus your limited resources on things like panhandlers, drug dealers, thieves, vagrants and the like that we citizens put up with every day, not just once a year. Let people “blow off” a little steam.

Ed Mohs: As much as I enjoy watching the neighborhood fireworks on the Fourth of July, I agree: ban the illegal, Tulalip Tribe Boom City-type fireworks. People in general are disrespectful and light fireworks at all hours of the night prior to and after the Fourth.

Maribeth Woodall: I grew up on the Tulalip reservation and have lived in Marysville most of my life. Fireworks have been in my life all that time. It is a special time, and we and many friends love the beauty and even the noise. It’s once a year and I would hate to see it end. Many organizations benefit from the sales of fireworks. Let’s not ban all just because of a few.

John Muller: Yes, ban the sale and use of all fireworks in Marysville and enforce the laws to use or sell them. My reasons are many, but just the noise several days prior and after would be enough, which continue well into the night and early morning hours. Consider the cost to the city with fire department calls and the injury caused every year, not to mention the aid cars and property damage caused due to fireworks. The local indian tribe would not welcome any ban, but so be it. They may do as they wish on tribal land, even open a fireworks park. And they can deal with the issues caused by the results and not ask our city for assistance on an issue they caused. Now, how about the mess in the streets that go unattended for days, and how many fires are started due to the use of them. It’s time we join many other cities that halt the use, and just think about the peace of mind and the funds that would be saved to use on other projects within the city.

Melinda Eader: I think the ban of fireworks in Marysville is a great idea! Being a new homeowner to Marysville in which we moved last year on the 4th of July to be exact, and the noise is unbelievable. After being here for a year the fireworks start almost a month before the 4th of July and continue passed the 4th. Not to mention the air is so thick the day of the 4th it hurts to breathe, and if there is no wind to push out all the firework smoke it just hangs out. I am 100 percent for this ban on fireworks.

Dan Hennessey: My take on this issue is: Why not ban discharging personal fireworks from public property, except for a city of Marysville fireworks show? I have no problem with anyone blowing up their own home and property; that is their right as an American. What goes all wrong are the folks that go into the public street to aim their fireworks away from their own homes, occasionally resulting in fires that are rarely, if ever, in the perpetrators homes. Every year the block next to mine has a huge neighborhood “display” that lasts for a few hours on the night of the 4th. The “carnage” of fireworks litter is absolutely incredible the following morning. One elderly couple’s home had their yard so covered in this litter the green grass was barely showing through as they were out raking and bagging all the leftovers their considerate neighbors donated. I asked them if this was recurring, and the answer was six years ongoing.

If the enforcement side of law against personal use of fireworks on public property is much too difficult an agenda for the city to take on, then why not have a restriction on the types of fireworks sold to the public, e.g. NO roman candles or bottle rockets, since they are designed to be shot into the (public) air and happenstance will dictate whose home burns to the ground. I am sure most homeowners insurance companies would be glad to give a great deal of input from their perspective of safety and liability.