Snohomish Health District offers tips to beat the heat

With temperatures expected to be in the 90s in the coming days, people and animals are at risk for heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Elders, babies, overweight and chronically ill people are especially vulnerable to heat illness.

SNOHOMISH COUNTY – With temperatures expected to be in the 90s in the coming days, people and animals are at risk for heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Elders, babies, overweight and chronically ill people are especially vulnerable to heat illness.

To help you stay safe, the Snohomish Health District offers the following tips to help beat the heat:

• Drink water – cool water is best. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty – sip 2 to 4 glasses of water every hour. Avoid drinks containing alcohol, caffeine, or a lot of sugar. Put out extra water for pets. Don’t take salt tablets unless your doctor tells you to do so. If you take water pills, ask your doctor how much you should drink in hot weather.

• Slow down – cut back on strenuous activity, and take frequent rest breaks in the shade.

• Dress light – lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing helps your body cool off.

• Eat light – choose cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit and salads.

• Stay indoors in an air-conditioned place, such as a movie theater or shopping mall (check for cooling centers here). At home, pull curtains or shades to keep rooms cool. Use window stops to prevent children from falling out, and move fans out of their reach. Check railings for safety on decks and porches.

• Never leave children or pets in a closed, parked vehicle.

• Outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, try to limit your outside time to cooler morning and evening hours, and use sunscreen that will block both kinds of ultraviolet light, UVA and UVB.

• Visit your elderly neighbors and watch them for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Related links:

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention heat stress pages

National Weather Service forecasts and weather alerts

Washington State Department of Health

How hot is it going to get? Check out the five-day forecast.