M’ville hosts public hearings on tax levies tonight

MARYSVILLE – The City Council will have public hearings on the city’s taxes for general fund and EMS at 7 p.m. Nov. 23 (tonight).1

MARYSVILLE – The City Council will have public hearings on the city’s taxes for general fund and EMS at 7 p.m. Nov. 23 (tonight).

The city is asking for additional budget authority for:

•Four new positions, one position upgrade, additional training, carry over two projects and increased janitorial costs.

•The addition of a Small Equipment Shop and purchase of three new patrol cars.

•The purchase of cameras and weapons for new hires. This purchase is being offset by increased revenue associated with drug seizures.

•The purchase of computers and equipment in support of the New World implementation, along with overtime associated with that project.

•Increased utility costs, management fee and computer costs associated with the transition of the Golf Course management to Premier.

•Overtime expended to replace carpet in all city buildings.

The council also will be talking about jail services with Arlington, Lake Stevens and Yakima. The Arlington-Marysville Manufacturing Industrial Center Market Study also will be discussed.

Finally, the council will consider a more than $960,000 grant from the Department of Ecology.