Marysville Windermere Realty helps out YMCA

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville YMCA received some post-New Year’s holiday cheer from Windermere Realty in Marysville Jan. 5, when Marysville Windermere owner Jim Rowley presented Marysville YMCA Executive Director Reeshemah Davis with a check for $3,750.

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville YMCA received some post-New Year’s holiday cheer from Windermere Realty in Marysville Jan. 5, when Marysville Windermere owner Jim Rowley presented Marysville YMCA Executive Director Reeshemah Davis with a check for $3,750.

The Windermere Found-ation’s contribution will go toward the Marysville YMCA’s ongoing “Invest in Youth” campaign, which funds youth scholarships as well as teen and family programs. Davis also praised the staff of Windermere in Marysville for giving of their time as volunteers with the YMCA.

“This partnership has been wonderful,” Davis said. “The interactions between the children and the Windermere employees has been a great experience for them both.”

Rowley estimated that between 30-35 Marysville Windermere employees volunteer with the Marysville YMCA each year. He said their work has seen them spending time after school with elementary school students and even helping to conduct holidays parties for children.

“We’ve done everything from arts and crafts to physical activities with the kids,” Rowley said. The people here have as much fun with it as the kids do, if not more.”

Rowley added that the Marysville YMCA frequently benefits from Windermere’s annual community service day projects each summer.

“It’s important to serve our youth for the betterment of our community,” Rowley said. “They deserve everybody’s help, because they’re our future. I was on the organizing committee that raised $1.5 million to give the Y its current facilities here in Marysville, and we didn’t have too hard of a time getting people behind our efforts because everybody knew that our kids needed a place they could go.”