Marysville schools’ next ELL family info night set for Oct. 17

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville School District will be conducting another information night for English Language Learner parents on Wednesday, Oct. 17. The MSD Board room at 4220 80th St. NE will serve as the site for the meeting from 6-7:30 p.m.

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville School District will be conducting another information night for English Language Learner parents on Wednesday, Oct. 17. The MSD Board room at 4220 80th St. NE will serve as the site for the meeting from 6-7:30 p.m.

Wendy Messarina, the district’s Spanish parent/community liaison, explained that the goal of the ELL family info nights is to provide Spanish- and Russian-speaking attendees with information about the services offered by the school district, as well as resources available to them in the community.

This ELL family info night is set to include details about the ELL department, the ELL parent school helper, and parental involvement in the school system as a whole, as well as Juvenile Court, Becca law, the “Family Access” program that allows parents to check students’ grades online, Internet safety, free lunches at school, ELL “Lunch Buddies,” bullying prevention and the counseling services available at the schools.

Among the community resources represented will be free English and computer classes, public library services, help with homework, parenting tips, medical insurance, college and financial aid, free clothing and food providers, the Marysville Police Department and Fire District, after-school programs for teenagers, sports and other activities, low-income programs for newborns to 3-year-olds, and PTA and PTSA contacts.

Attendees can meet representatives of the community and some schools, and Spanish and Russian interpreters and liaisons will be available.

For more information, contact Messarina by phone at 360-657-0250 or Russian parent liaison Svetlana Pasonok at 360-657 0260.