Letters to the editor come in for M-P

The Board of Directors of Marysville School District are walking beside you through the agony of the events of Oct. 24.

School board praises community

The Board of Directors of Marysville School District are walking beside you through the agony of the events of Oct. 24.

All of us at Marysville School District, including teachers, staff, students, parents and community members who volunteer or simply enjoy the sports, concerts or joyful noises from our playgrounds, are faced with a situation too awful to imagine and for which no one is ever prepared.

First, our profound gratitude to the students and staff of Marysville-Pilchuck High School, the first responders, especially our Marysville Police Department, Marysville Fire Department, Snohomish County Sheriff Department, Mayor John Nehring and the city of Marysville, county leaders, the Tulalip Tribes and the support community that gathered around us since the tragic day. Together and individually, you responded heroically. Thank you.

Second, our condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims of this terrible tragedy, and all of those affected. Schools should be a safe and happy place for our children. Our time has failed to find a way to keep our schools safe from gun violence. Many of us know the families who have suffered overwhelming losses. Our hearts are broken with them.

Third, as we begin this challenging journey, the school board directors of Marysville School District will do all we can to address the agony of this crisis for our students, teachers and parents. We cannot change what has happened, but we can choose the course we now take. We have asked all of our staff members in our elementary, middle and high schools to discuss the event in the most sensitive and age-appropriate way possible.

While we cannot shield our students from the distressing news of this event, we can work to provide them with accurate information and to convey that we will do all that is possible to keep them safe. We must continue to demonstrate to one another and the community that the real measure of our work is that our staff and students know how to love and care for one another.

Our commitment is to Engage, Inspire and Prepare our students for life. We have always understood that this vision is about much more than language or math skills, now we have no choice but to begin the journey one step at a time into our new future.

Marysville school board

Love from children

From our hearts to yours… This letter is from members of the “Dream Catcher Family” who are connected in grief but united in hope because our communities, like yours, have each suffered a tremendous tragedy.

We represent an extended family grafted together from Columbine High in Colo., Red Lake, Minn., and Sandy Hook Elementary (Newton, Conn.) who have all been visited by a traveling plaque that sadly has traveled again.

The gift represents the condolences, the prayers and hugs and from survivors who are “in the club that no one wants to join.”

Although we might not have been able to meet all of you in person, we hope that in some small way that we can encourage you. Our communities continue to live what you call the “new normal,” and we hope that you will draw strength from us, just as we have drawn on the strength of those who began this journey before us.

The Minnesota children who traveled 28 hours straight through to Marysville have these words for you:

“I love you guys. We want to bring you prayers, some strength and a smile.” – Logan

“We are so sorry for your loss. I hope our songs bring you hope.” – Justyn

“Words won’t rewind the clock and fix what happened. But I think that together the kids from these tragedies will somehow find a way to fix our world in the future. Those who feel the deepest pain see people like God does, and should be the ones leading the way. I’ll do my part too.” – Caleb

“We are one with you and although our hearts are sad, we are so glad that we could come and meet you. We’re family. It just took a long time to get here.” – Courtney

-Dream Catcher family

Praying for M-P

Like anyone who had had any connection to MPHS and the Tulalip Tribes, I find it hard to comprehend how this could happen. Yet I am confident that the Tulalip Tribes and citizens of Marysville will continue to work together to provide the children of the Marysville School District with the very best education possible.

My prayers are for those who have lost family members, the MPHS student body and faculty members. May the healing process receive God’s speed.

John Garner, Bellevue,

Ex-principal MHS, PHS, MPHS

Proud to give up trophy

I am an alumna of Marysville-Pilchuck High School. Today I heard that the M-P football team took a trip up to Oak Harbor to give them the trophy, have pizza together, and throw the football around. I just wanted to say thank you so much to both teams and their coaches. What you guys are doing is bigger than you. It affects us all. Ever since Friday thoughts of what happened and the anguish they bring are hard to escape. But what you are doing gives us all something heroic and wonderful to think about – something that brings tears of joy.

I just wanted to say thank you, and we are all so proud of you. Go Tomahawks and Go Wildcats!

Elaina Scougale, Arlington