How would you rate Marysville?

MARYSVILLE – Do you like living in Marysville? The city wants to find out. So at tonight’s City Council meeting, city staff will ask for approval for a Community Livability Report.

MARYSVILLE – Do you like living in Marysville? The city wants to find out.

So at tonight’s City Council meeting, city staff will ask for approval for a Community Livability Report.

For $13,860, a firm would survey 1,500 residents by mail and online. The city would use the information to help it plan for the future.

Questions would be asked about: Safety, Mobility, Natural Environment, Built Environment, Economy, Recreation and Wellness, Education and Enrichment, and Community Engagement.

Another section of the survey asks how well city government meets the needs of the community. Other sections ask about Marysville as a place to live, work, visit, retire and raise kids. Shopping, parking, traffic, affordability and many other items also will be rated on a scale of 1 for excellent to 4 for poor.

Another item on the agenda tonight deals with a fireworks show planned for Saturday, March 19, at about 6:30 p.m. just east of the Ebey Waterfront Park. The council will consider a permit for the Celebrate Marysville 125 Years event.

Also on the agenda:

•A new officer position that would focus on citywide safety and accident preparation, along with working with emergency disaster and preparedness.

•Approval of the use of credit cards for business transactions with the city.

•Approval of the closure of around State Avenue and 2nd Street for the Everett Half-Marathon April 10.

•Agreement for Joint Operation of Fire and Emergency Medical Protection facilities.

•Arlington and Lake Stevens jail use.