Globe readers support fireworks ban so far

In unscientific survey, 100 percent of respondents so far say they would support a ban of fireworks in Marysville.

In unscientific survey, 100 percent of respondents so far say they would support a ban of fireworks in Marysville.

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Shelly Baker, Marysville: Great idea! But….how on earth would anyone ever enforce it? I live up on the hill above Cedarcrest Golf Course, and every year on the Fourth of July it is literally like a war zone around here. There are multiple families on my street alone (and all of the streets both above and below ours) setting off fireworks. And these are not the “safe and sane” ones – we know they were all at Boom City buying theirs. The mess left behind that nobody seems to think is important to clean up (and this is a “nice” neighborhood), the trauma to pets, and not being able to go to sleep until sometimes well after midnight is a problem for many. Thankfully, I haven’t heard about any serious injuries or property damage up here.

If you walk up the hill from where I live, you can see most of the entire area and over to Tulalip, and there are so many people setting off fireworks all over Marysville. I can’t imagine the police actually being able to enforce a ban, but my husband and I both think it would be a good idea. At the very least it would likely curb some of it, but I am skeptical that it will ever go away.


Carol R. Whitney, Marysville: The idea of banning fireworks in Marysville is a joke. Marysville Police Department will just ignore that law, just like they do the law about limiting the use of fireworks already on the books.

Who would enforce that law? Certainly not MPD. They harass the complainer about calling in complaints about illegal use of fireworks. I am not talking about the use of reservation fireworks but the lighting off of any fireworks when it is done during the non-lighting times already in place in Marysville. The MPD states that they are too busy to respond to those minor nuisance calls. You would have to hire a separate department of MPD to be a task force just to enforce the fireworks law.

What we need to do is hold MPD accountable to enforce the ban/limited use law already on the books. If they took that law seriously then the fireworks would not be the huge problem that they are right now. It is beyond ridiculous that as soon as the fireworks go on sale on the reservation then we have to put up with the lighting off of them for the two to three weeks before the 4th of July and several weeks after the 4th of July.

I have trained my current dogs to ignore the fireworks but I have friends who have horses that cannot be trained to ignore them. It has become a matter of sedate your animals due to random nonstop lighting of fireworks and hope for the best. Don’t even get me started on the fact that those fireworks users are people who do not have the common sense to see danger. They are usually children or seemingly adults with no care or concern for others.


Joanne Thorleifson: I think fireworks should be banned. I get asthma from the smoke.

My dog has to take medicine .

In my neighborhood the fireworks start on June 23 and go to about July 6.


David Bartos, Marysville: My wife and I moved here three years ago, and we are forced to leave town over the 4th, not only because we do not like the excessive fireworks but one of our two dogs is absolutely terrified the entire time. We tried medication for her but that is hard to control. It is also expensive for us to do this, which we do not like.

If there were fireworks the night of July 4th only that would be fine, but here in “Boomtown” they start a couple of weeks before the 4th and go on for several weeks after the 4th, which is totally unacceptable and unnecessary. We heard some booms close to our house as recently as Aug. 1, four weeks after the 4th!

And the fireworks with color aren’t so bad but it is the M-80’s, etc., that are just loud that are unnecessary. Also in several areas within a five-block radius of our house, the mess in the street is terrible; it is still there and no one cleans it up.

The negatives of the way this is out of control in Marysville should be obvious, but here they are:

· Terrifies household pets.

Terrifies wildlife.

· Fireworks trash on my roof, in my gutters and all over my lawn.

· Unsightly mess in the streets that no one cleans up.

· Very dangerous to those who fire them.

· There is no ban before the 4th and after the 4th – there should be.

· Recommended solution:

· Ban private fireworks in the city of Marysville; preferably a total ban, or at least allowing fireworks on the 4th only.

· The city could publish a list of fireworks events in the surrounding area, prior to the 4th, for those that want to see them.


Kay Anthony, Marysville: Thank goodness the council is looking into a ban on fireworks.

I live in fear every year that my house will catch fire. I live on the park

side of Jennings park. At 1, 2, 3, in the morning firework are going off

in the park. I pray for rain every year and most years it is very dry. These

churches and service clubs that sell fireworks to raise money are irresponsible citizens selling

fireworks that injure people, damage properly and puts pets and wildlife

in fear and stress.

I should not have to worry about my house burning down

and tranquilize my pet for irresponsible people to get an expensive few minutes

of thrill. There are already organized fireworks display for the public in the area around Marysville.

I’m not for spending money to have a display in Marysville; funds can be better spent.

For (City Councilman) Mr. (Jeff) Vaughan : explain the consequences of fireworks and show the human, pets and property damage of fireworks and maybe his son will get on board and stand behind his father’s decision.


Jeri Williams, Smokey Point: I am all for a “private” fireworks ban but understand the expense of a Marysville public display as well. However, we live in an area where you don’t have to go far to see other public displays. I am not against fireworks in general but it’s the violators (illegal fireworks, etc.).

I live in the Emerald Hills Estates (senior manufactured home park) in north Marysville near Smokey Point. The several housing developments around our park start off sometimes two weeks before the 4th and continue for a while thereafter. They shoot them off day and night. I am also for the ban to ease the enforcement load on our local fire and police departments.


Linda Hughes Freeth, Marysville: We live on 63rd DR NE in Marysville. We could hear fireworks from the reservation (in the distance) for about two weeks prior to the 4th, and another week after the 4th.

Neighborhood fireworks began at 9 a.m. on the 4th and steadily increased in frequency through the day. By 5 p.m. it was constant and proceeded to sound like a war zone throughout the evening and night.

It was 1:30 am before the noise stopped! It was so bad we spent the night in a hotel as it was too stressful to be at home. On the 5th, we had to deal with all the debris on our lawn and cars. It has made us think about moving. Even today, as I walk our dog in the neighborhood, I am still seeing remnants of the fireworks strewn on the sidewalks, lawns and street.

I think all neighborhood fireworks should be banned.

Consider those veterans with PTSD how they must have suffered!

Consider all those with a sick person in their home! They must have suffered also.

Consider those families with young children who are normally in bed early! Not a fun situation for the parents.

Consider those with pets who had to tranquilize their pet to see them through the trauma of the fireworks sound!

It states in the article that the city of Marysville does not have the space to host a fireworks display. Why not work with the tribes on the reservation and have a display over there? There must be another solution rather than driving folks from their homes.


Wendy Clarke, Marysville: We moved to Marysville (from California) four years ago. We love our home and the town, but we do have the misfortune of living across Highway 5 from Tulalip’s Boom City. We have ‘adjusted’ (as best we can) to the fact that from June 15 to July 15 and, then again, from Dec. 1 to Jan. 15, we will be living in an “audible war zone”, complete with M-80s, shock bombs, and other artillery-sounding explosions. We are forced to sedate our dog on many of these evenings as she becomes so stressed and emotionally frantic that nothing short of knocking her out gives her any relief.

However, this year’s Fourth of July far exceeded the prior three years’ noise, “booms” and acrid smell. The magnitude in amount, duration, scope and intensity was injurious, unfriendly, inconsiderate and very unfortunate.

It was exceedingly clear that Boom City was not responsible for ALL of this objectionable hullabaloo, as we observed many fireworks coming from surrounding private neighborhoods. The news on July 5 was one story after another of fireworks-related injuries, runaway and stressed-out animals, and even complaints in the Globe from veterans having their PTSD aggravated by the war-like conditions of the day and night of the 4th.

It begs the question: Is this really necessary? Is it worth causing humans and animals unnecessary stress and pain just because the calendar indicates a day of celebration?

As a child, I loved “writing my name with sparklers” and watching the colorful sparks from the old-fashioned ‘safe’ fireworks, like Piccolo Petes, pinwheels and fountains. Obviously, we have become much more sophisticated in the choices of fireworks that are “enjoyed”(?) now. But we also enjoyed family gatherings, picnics, days in the park, nature activities … a simpler approach, but we were too tuckered out to be setting off BOMBS until 2 a.m.!

Our Independence Day and New Year’s Eve holiday celebrations should include more than terror and fear. Maybe we need to encourage more focus on the TRUE meanings behind these celebrations: our independence, the service of the men and women in the military, the dedication of our veterans, and the many freedoms and liberties we enjoy by living in the United States of America.

Long story short … it is time to stop this craziness. My vote is for an all-out ban (although I doubt this will include Tulalip’s Boom City). At least stop the illegal fireworks (good luck … we certainly didn’t see, hear or witness any action to stop anything this year, and it was everywhere).




It has gotten completely OUT OF CONTROL and starts a week before the 4th and goes on for weeks afterwards!

It’s like a war zone all around my house with people at almost every home, out in front of their house shooting off fireworks, with no knowledge of what they are doing. Some are shooting off sideways, barely missing people and children; dogs and cats must be sedated because they are afraid to go outside to relieve themselves; running scared from their yards ! IT HAS JUST GOTTEN CRAZY AND OUT OF CONTROL AND YOU SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !

If you have a fireworks display from one place in Marysville, where people could go and watch, that would be fine. But this FREE-FOR-ALL has got to STOP. And who cares if churches and groups can’t benefit from the sale? They can sell something else that doesn’t affect everyone so negatively!

I used to love the 4th of July ! These days, since living in Marysville, I DREAD

the thought of it !