Beach Watcher training starts soon

MARYSVILLE You dont have to live on a beach, even have beach access, to become a Washington State University Beach Watcher.

MARYSVILLE You dont have to live on a beach, even have beach access, to become a Washington State University Beach Watcher.
All you need to become a WSU Beach Watcher is passion for the waters, wildlife and lands of Puget Sound, time to volunteer and a willingness to work with others, said Chrys Bertolotto, Snohomish County Beach Watchers coordinator.#M:[more]##
The third annual WSU Beach Watchers training will be offered in Marysville this spring. The application deadline has been extended to Feb. 29. Training will be held 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, March 17 through May 8, at Jennings Park.
Beach Watcher training is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in Puget Sound, Bertolotto said. You receive 100 hours of university level training that is free, except for a $30 fee to partially cover the cost of reproducing the training manual.
Training topics include local geology and coastal processes, forestry, birds, marine biology, water quality and climate change among many others.
Bertolotto said the training includes plenty of hands-on experience and field trips.
In return for the training, WSU Beach Watchers are expected to volunteer 50 hours each year for two years as citizen monitors, educators or project planners. According to Bertolotto there are many ways to volunteer.
Most Beach Watchers accumulate many more than the required number of hours and have a great time doing it, she said.
Applications for the program can be had at the organization Web site, In addition, you can contact Bertolotto at 425-357-6020 or send an e-mail to