Write letters to Santa, get photos taken with him

MARYSVILLE — Marysville boys and girls will not only have a chance to write letters to Santa Claus this year, but they'll also be able to have their photos taken with him on Saturday, Dec. 1, courtesy of the Marysville Historical Society.

MARYSVILLE — Marysville boys and girls will not only have a chance to write letters to Santa Claus this year, but they’ll also be able to have their photos taken with him on Saturday, Dec. 1, courtesy of the Marysville Historical Society.

Pictures with Santa will be taken for $10 each at the Marysville Mall, in the foyer of the former Gottschalks, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the same Saturday as “Merrysville for the Holidays,” while the Marysville Historical Society’s location at 1508-B Third St. will once again sport a big red mailbox where kids can drop off their letters to Santa.

“It looks like Santa’s elves have been at it again this year, because there’s a big red mailbox in front of our building again,” Cage said. “You can’t miss it.”

Cage promised the boys and girls of Marysville that, if their letters included their return addresses, Santa would take the time to write them back, just as he’s done for hundreds of area children in years past.

“Mail takes about three days to get from here to the North Pole, and another three days to get back, so as long as they get their letters in by Dec. 19, they should get a response,” Cage said.