Marysville’s Scrub-a-Mutt makes a big splash

MARYSVILLE — “Scrub-a-Mutt” made as big a splash as ever at the Strawberry Fields for Rover dog park, to continue its support of local pooches. Scrub-a-Mutt’s fourth annual fundraising Dog Wash, which ran from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Aug. 20 at the Strawberry Fields Athletic Park, washed 60 dogs within its first half-hour and more than 200 before 2 p.m.

MARYSVILLE — “Scrub-a-Mutt” made as big a splash as ever at the Strawberry Fields for Rover dog park, to continue its support of local pooches.

Scrub-a-Mutt’s fourth annual fundraising Dog Wash, which ran from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Aug. 20 at the Strawberry Fields Athletic Park, washed 60 dogs within its first half-hour and more than 200 before 2 p.m.

“With two hours to go, we were only 60 dogs short of the total number of dogs we washed last year,” Scrub-a-Mutt co-founder Jennifer Ward said. “That’s not even counting the folks who came a little later to see the K9 demonstration by the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Department.”

Ward said that the dog wash alone raised more than $2,500, and that was before the additional vendors were factored in.

The dog wash’s sponsors this year included Big Dog Realty, Jones & Co. Pets, Lake Stevens Animal Hospital, All Animal & Bird Hospital, Wag-a-Muffins Pet Care Services, Pick of the Litter Design, Paws Gourmet, K9 Korral, Kristi Crabtree Dog Training, Frankie’s Loving Touch Pet Care, Googenhymers Pet Grooming, Whiskey Ridge Stay-n-Play Dog Care, Hinch Construction, Dog Day Afternoon Grooming and Canine Cozy Care Resort.

“We had a lot more breed-specific groups this year,” said Ward, who cited Dalmatian Rescue, Chihuahua Rescue and Basset Hound Rescue in particular.

Ward noted that her volunteers are already so enthusiastic that many of them call a year in advance to sign up, but she added that a $1,000 donation from the Marysville Rotary left her dog-washers even more pleased.

“We were able to buy eight ‘Booster Baths’ at cost, along with four sets of doggie-stairs to go with them,” Ward said. “Our washers loved it because they didn’t have to bend over this year to hold the dogs in place.”

Scrub-a-Mutt raises money for three local dog rescue organizations — Old Dog Haven, NOAH and the Everett Animal Shelter.

Old Dog Haven is a nonprofit dog rescue group in Arlington that provides loving and safe homes for abandoned senior dogs. Their website and outreach program finds “forever homes” for dogs seven years or older.

NOAH is the animal adoption center located in Stanwood. NOAH works toward stopping the euthanasia of healthy adoptable dogs and cats and promotes a strong spay/neuter program. They partner with local shelters, providing pets a second chance for a home.

The Everett Animal Shelter and ARF (Animal Rescue Foundation) care for lost or unwanted pets from most of Snohomish County. Their staff and volunteers work to prepare unwanted animals for adoption. ARF’s mission is to improve the quality of life for companion animals and their caretakers in Snohomish County through increased community involvement and fundraising with and for the Everett Animal Shelter.

Visit Scrub-a-Mutt’s website at for more information.