Marysville Historical Society spring tea focuses on ‘Fashion in Film’

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville Historical Society is offering attendees of their eighth annual spring tea and fashion show an opportunity to step into the shoes of their favorite movie stars, albeit on an admittedly smaller scale. The Tulalip Resort Hotel is hosting the event for the third year in a row on April 10 from 12:30-4:30 p.m., and the theme of this year's show will be "Fashion in Film: A Focus on Iconic Films and Film Stars."

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville Historical Society is offering attendees of their eighth annual spring tea and fashion show an opportunity to step into the shoes of their favorite movie stars, albeit on an admittedly smaller scale.

The Tulalip Resort Hotel is hosting the event for the third year in a row on April 10 from 12:30-4:30 p.m., and the theme of this year’s show will be “Fashion in Film: A Focus on Iconic Films and Film Stars.” As such, attendees are encouraged to dress either in their Sunday best spring-wear, or as their favorite film actors or characters. Fancy hats are also welcomed, and attendees will be able to vote for the recipients of “Best Hat” and “Best Costume” prizes.

Event Chair Rietta Costa reported that the spring tea and fashion show’s first year at the Tulalip Resort Hotel boasted 25 tables, while this year’s event is on track to fill as many as 35 tables. She noted that the Tulalip Resort Hotel is one of the spring tea and fashion show’s biggest sponsors, and thanked them for donating a double-room to host the event. At the same time, Costa hastened to thank the many other community members who have supported this event.

“Happi Favro of Attic Secrets has volunteered to do place settings for nine tables, so that we can sell those seats on an individual basis,” said Costa, who is still looking to recruit hosts and hostesses for a number of the remaining tables, complete with linen tablecloths and china patterns. She added that each host or hostess who fills their table will receive free admission, and a prize will be awarded for “Best-Decorated Table.”

In years past, the spring tea and fashion show has enlisted the aid of local DECA students as servers, a tradition that Costa would love to continue. The afternoon’s menu is set to include lemon bars, chocolate truffles, brownies, raspberry tarts and tea sandwiches, along with coffee, hot tea and hot chocolate for children. Costa is still soliciting sponsorships and donations of items for the event’s spring-themed silent auction and raffle.

“Marysville’s own ‘Hat Lady’ will be there with hats for sale, with a percentage of those sales going to us,” Costa said. “We’ll also have a professional photographer there to snap shots of you walking down the red carpet that we’ll be rolling out for the occasion.”

In its first year, the spring tea and fashion show raised approximately $1,600. Costa estimated that last year’s event netted about $7,000, and her goal is to net at least $10,000 this year.

“Those who sponsor us get their names listed in our program and mentioned by the emcee,” Costa said. “This helps drive traffic to our local businesses. We’ve typically had a good variety at this event in this past, but this year, we’re looking to fill even more tables, auction off even more items and have even more fun.”

Seating for the spring tea and fashion show is limited and admission is by ticket only. Individual tickets are available. Tickets are $25 each. Reservations with payment are required. To purchase your tickets, or for more information, call Costa at 425-232-3387.