Limited number of wreaths available for community art project

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville Arts Coalition, in partnership with the Marysville Parks Department and several local businesses, will once again coordinate a community-wide art project to help showcase the city's holiday spirit while raising money to fund local arts opportunities.

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville Arts Coalition, in partnership with the Marysville Parks Department and several local businesses, will once again coordinate a community-wide art project to help showcase the city’s holiday spirit while raising money to fund local arts opportunities.

A parade of plywood wreaths, decorated to represent families, service clubs or businesses, will be installed on light poles throughout the city beginning the week before Thanksgiving, to be displayed through the Christmas holiday.

Last year’s wreaths will go up again as promised, and city of Marysville Parks and Recreation director Jim Ballew noted that there are only installation spaces available for an additional 20 wreaths.

The 39-inch plywood wreaths are available at E&E Lumber, located at 1364 State Ave., and in Suite B at 1331 State Ave. The cost is $30 for a blank cutout, and will include suggestions for weather-resistant decorating ideas.

Decorated wreaths must be returned to the administrative office at Jennings Park by Tuesday, Nov. 20.

The Marysville Arts Coalition is a grassroots organization whose mission is to advocate for awareness, participation and appreciation of the arts in Marysville. Proceeds from the wreath project will help fund opportunities to promote the arts in Marysville.

Photos of wreaths decorated in 2011 are available at the Marysville Arts Coalition’s Facebook page at For more information about the wreath project, call 425-308-4176.