Better living includes having healthy teeth

When will my baby start getting teeth?

When will my baby start getting teeth?

Typically, teething begins at six months of age. Children have 20 teeth in compared to 32 for adults. In general, a child will have erupted all of their teeth by 2-3 years of age.

 When should I take my child to the dentist for his or her first visit?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children visit the dentist within six months after the first tooth appears or by the age of one. The first visit will usually include exam, cleaning, fluoride and discussion of prevention, diet and homecare oral health guidance.

 How often do I need to bring my child to the dentist?

Visits are recommended at a minimum of every six months in order to aid in prevention of cavities or other dental problems.  

How important are baby teeth since they are going to fall out anyway?

“Baby” teeth have three main functions. 1) They allow children to chew. 2) Important for speech development. 3) Theyprovide a pathway for permanent teeth to erupt in a timely way.  

If my toddler has a cavity, should he or she get a filling?

The earlier a cavity is diagnosed and treated, the less invasive the overall treatment will be. Over time, cavities can spread if and/or possibly lead to an infection.  

 What should I use to clean my baby’s teeth?

Asoft cloth, gauze or toothbrush for children 0-2 years will adequately remove plaque and bacteria that can lead to cavities. Caregivers should clean the teeth twicea day (most importantly before bedtime following the last feeding). Infant non-fluoridated toothpaste can be used, until your child is able to spit out toothpaste without swallowing it.

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