Thank you

Every once in a while you get news that really knocks the wind right out of you. That was the case a couple of weeks ago when I received word that my brother, Howard Olsen had passed away. It was a Sunday and I had just enough time to meet with my nieces and their families before returning to Olympia for the legislative session. Believe me, the trip was not an easy one.

Every once in a while you get news that really knocks the wind right out of you. That was the case a couple of weeks ago when I received word that my brother, Howard Olsen had passed away. It was a Sunday and I had just enough time to meet with my nieces and their families before returning to Olympia for the legislative session. Believe me, the trip was not an easy one.
As they have so often in the past, the people of the 10th Legislative District came through for me in a very big way. I received so many letters, prayers, cards and calls that I really cannot count them all. They lifted my spirits and helped me get through the tough days that followed. These communications certainly helped me through the week and beyond. During this time, obviously, I had to miss some votes on the Senate floor, something I take very seriously. While I would have made the same choice, in any case I believe family comes first it was comforting to know that so many constituents shared and respected that value.
I am sending this letter to publicly thank anyone and everyone who offered support to me during this very trying time and to let them know just how much they helped and were appreciated. Thank you.
Mary Margaret Haugen
State Senator, 10th Legislative District