Simple Majority

Election day is Tuesday. Nov. 6. I look forward to receiving my ballot in the next two weeks in my mailbox. Snohomish County has adopted 100 percent vote by mail. Make sure your voice is heard.

Election day is Tuesday. Nov. 6. I look forward to receiving my ballot in the next two weeks in my mailbox. Snohomish County has adopted 100 percent vote by mail. Make sure your voice is heard.
I encourage all of you to approve 4204. This constitutional amendment provides for simple majority decisions on measures relating to our schools. Approval of 4204 means that measures which receive yes votes totaling 50 percent of those cast pass. Government 101, you ask? Read on.
Currently, measures related to our schools are held to a higher standard. These measures are required to pass by a 60 percent (also known as a super majority) vote.
Approve 4204. Approving 4204 is ensuring that your vote, related to our community schools, will be subject to the same rules as your vote for or against other community resources (like jails and stadiums). Ensure that our most valuable resources, our children, and the schools, which educate them, are held to fair and consistent consideration.
Kathy Burkholder