Letter to the editor

Arlington school board supports February bond measure

On Feb. 12 we will ask you, the voters, to approve a bond for school construction and safety improvements. The planned projects will require our community to invest in bonds totaling $96 million.

As your elected representatives we do not take this action lightly. It’s a balancing act for us to provide a quality education in a safe and caring environment while striving to be fiscally responsible. We have carefully considered all of the input provided to us by a variety of community members. We never make the decision to ask voters for money without thorough and thoughtful discussion. What will this money do? It will add eight classrooms to a crowded Arlington High School and replace a much-needed Post Middle School. In addition to the needed classroom space, the bond will also ensure that we have safe and secure classrooms, including improved door locks, security cameras and entrance vestibules. We still anticipate that the district will receive state matching funds of $11.5 million for these projects.

Ultimately our children are the most-valuable assets we have. Our students are counting on you. We urge you to support our bond request on Feb. 12.

Arlington school board members Kay Duskin, president, and Jim Weiss, Jeff Huleatt, Marc Rosson, Judy Fay, Annika Hatfield and Brooklynn Hill