Kiwanis thanks community Arlington Kiwanis Scholarship Auction

On behalf of the Arlington Kiwanis, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Kiwanis Fourth of July Scholarship Auction this year.

On behalf of the Arlington Kiwanis, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Kiwanis Fourth of July Scholarship Auction this year.

Thank you to all the businesses and individuals in the community who donated items and services for the auction. This year the auction raised over $10,000. All proceeds go to fund scholarships for children in our community. Thank you also to all of the members of the community who attended and purchased items from the silent or verbal auction, raffle tickets or who gave generous cash donations.

We who live in and around Arlington are fortunate to have wonderful community support for events such as this. I would also like to thank my fellow Kiwanis members for their support and extensive help this year in putting on this auction. We look forward to next years auction and hope to see you all there.

Sue Weiss, Chairperson