Hospital cutting staff?

Earlier this year I wrote a letter encouraging the voters to vote no on the Cascade Hospital Bond because there were too many questions to be answered first.

Earlier this year I wrote a letter encouraging the voters to vote no on the Cascade Hospital Bond because there were too many questions to be answered first.
On April 17, Clark Jones replied in a letter, which pontificated in vague generalities about how the bond must be passed to ensure critical emergency care and other health services, when you and your family need them most.
All over Arlington signs blossomed and the letters to the editor multiplied in support of the bond.
Now, Mr. Jones has had to cut the staff by 12 positions and has voluntarily reduced his own salary to bring our expenses more in line with revenues.
I am concerned that these reductions are being implemented just a few weeks after the bond was passed. Why wasnt this disconcerting information given to the public before the bond vote?
I am also concerned that Cascade has to reduce 12 positions to break even with 52,000-square-feet of facilities, while it builds 58,000 additional square feet of space more than double the present size. Isnt this like sailing the Titanic with only half the crew?
Hospitals are closing all over the nation because of demographics and mandated but unfounded congressional requirements that emergency room care be given to anyone who shows up. Now, here we are, barely keeping our heads above water and we pass a bond to double the size of our facilities while reducing the staff.
The only thing for sure here is that we the taxpayers will be paying for these facilities for years to come because many of us voted with our hearts instead of our heads.
David Meyering