Good intentions

Our state government has an opportunity for redemption by moving HB1321 to the floor and passing it. HB1321 is a parental notification bill making it the law that parents are informed before Planned Parenthood can perform an abortion on their teenage daughter. HB1321 is notification only, not permission. If the teenage girl doses not want her parents notified, then a judge will decide if the parents are not fit to know and if a line needs to be drawn through their constitution rights. HB1321 will help ensure that the people who care most about this girl and the unborn have a chance to ensure her best interest and mental health are protected.

Our state government has an opportunity for redemption by moving HB1321 to the floor and passing it. HB1321 is a parental notification bill making it the law that parents are informed before Planned Parenthood can perform an abortion on their teenage daughter. HB1321 is notification only, not permission. If the teenage girl doses not want her parents notified, then a judge will decide if the parents are not fit to know and if a line needs to be drawn through their constitution rights. HB1321 will help ensure that the people who care most about this girl and the unborn have a chance to ensure her best interest and mental health are protected.
HB1321 has been around for a very long time but has never made it to the floor of the state house of representatives. The long-time party of Lincoln and the party of Jefferson have in this state government left the people of Washington unrepresented for a long time.
Please call your state rep and tell them you are paying attention to what they are not doing. HB1321 will give our elected representatives a reason to stand up with solid popularity and say yes we represent you.
Mental Health agencies of Washington and their lobbyists have for far too long left the families of this state castrated so they could be the village that raised our kids with their good intentions. Remember the words of Daniel Webster
Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions.
There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.
Hugh Fleet