Excellent teachers

The Globe is to be commended for your recent articles on educational excellence in the Marysville School District. I am specifically referring to “MP 31 Beautiful Years of DECA.” And a huge amount of credit for the success of this program falls directly on the leadership and dedication of Jim Pankiewicz (Mr. P). Many of our youth over the last 31 years have been blessed to have been a student of Mr. P.

And in the last edition of The Globe, “Learning Blasts Off at Marysville Co-Op,” was a great article on how a teacher, Shawn Jenkins, sought a way to get her students enthused about science studies for the 48 students in the third grade Co-Op classes. And it was great to see that she reached out to a retired teacher, her father, to bring “rocket science” into the classroom.

Too often we see the forest, but not the trees. Many times we take for granted those we trust to educate our children or grandchildren. We sometimes don’t really pay attention to the excellence the large majority of our educators bring to the classroom. Students who are fortunate to have teachers such as those two mentioned above are challenged and as a result they seem to become greatly enthused and probably better students through the years.

I believe there are many excellent teachers in the Marysville School District such as Shawn Jenkins and Jim Pankiewicz. Because of this I feel that all citizens, and students, of the Marysville School District should be proud and very thankful.

Donald R. Wlazlak
