Bill Blake is the kind of person we need more of in government | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

I hate politics. But when Bill Blake asked me to support his run for Snohomish County Council District 1, I made an exception because Bill is the opposite of what I dislike.

I hate politics. But when Bill Blake asked me to support his run for Snohomish County Council District 1, I made an exception because Bill is the opposite of what I dislike.

Politicians are often win-lose — sticking to their side rather than looking for solutions that allow everyone to go forward. Bill does the latter. His work on the Waterfront Master and Transfer of Development Rights plans for the City of Arlington demonstrate how economic development and environmental protection can work together. For Bill, it’s not farms vs. fish. It’s how do we have farms and fish. Politicians generally don’t see the big picture. Bill is an ecologist by training, which means you have to see all the pieces and how they interact. When he sees a landscape, he sees what it looked like a hundred years ago and what it could look like a hundred years from now. Bill understands that policy decisions here and now can have broader consequences for years to come.

Politicians tend to be negative. I remember the sign in Bill’s office in City Hall saying “Be Positive.” I’ve known Bill for about seven years, and I’ve seen him bring out the best in so many different people: kids, citizens, farmers, government workers, business people, and council members. He seems to treat everyone with respect and a willingness to listen and see what he can do to help. If you want more problem solvers in government, Bill Blake deserves your vote.

Bill Pierce
