New web-based crime reporting tool available to Arlington, Marysville residents

Police in Arlington and Marysville joined with several other law enforcement agencies in Snohomish County to offer a new online crime reporting tool that went live Monday.

The new reporting site, was launched through a collaborative effort with the county 911, sheriff’s office and city of Everett. The new web-based form enables victims of certain crimes to report the incident with a minimal amount of typing and mouse clicks. It can also be accessed via a mobile device.

“It’s pretty simple to use,” Arlington spokeswoman Kristin Banfield said. “You just type in the information that you do know, submit it, and that will generate a police or case report number.”

The form is handy for reporting non-felony property crimes. “A lot of times people just want the police number to file for insurance purposes,” Banfield said. “They don’t need an officer, so that frees up police to do pro-active patrol or something else.”

A few examples include a lost or stolen gun, vehicle, license plates or items stolen from a locked building or fenced-in area; identity theft or cards or checks stolen that have been used; vandalism of a home or business; information about a perpetrator in a crime; or video evidence of an incident.

The form applies to anything damaged or stolen as long as it’s valued at less than $5,000. Banfield said officers will review all submitted requests, but it could take up to 72 hours or longer for officers to respond. Officers will come out and meet with a victim if they request a visit.

“This tool is just another option; it’s not required, but it’s something that complements what we already do,” she said.

In real emergencies, with stolen or lost property resulting in a loss of $5,000 or more, people should still call 9-1-1.