Let’s elect common sense

The people of North Snohomish County have a chance with their November ballot to elect new representation on the County Council for us. Ellen Hiatt Watson. She has fought hard and wise in the 7 Lakes area against detrimental type development, which proves how much she truly values the rural

acreage and the people that live here. She wants to promote agriculture in a sustainable way, not strangle it and continue to lose our precious farmlands to reckless development. And as growth continues in our area, she prioritizes managing it in a responsible manner holding developers accountable to comply to county codes and environmental laws. And she is a tiger on that sort of thing, don’t underestimate her. That is probably

why the builders are backing John Koster with campaign money. After all, he was the only main County Council member to keep voting in favor of FCC’s, with eyes on one for our area. A Koster Country vision.

There is a way to develop and grow, but remain protective of what the people value. And that is done with intelligence, perserverance and hard work, and new ideas. Ellen Hiatt Watson. The time is now to bring some integrity to this District 1 seat on the Council. Say no to a 3rd term for Koster. And let’s bring in some fresh ideals and leadership skills. Ellen Hiatt Watson. Let’s elect common sense.

Bill and Rhonda Einman
